The Brutal Honesty about Normal

Sunday, November 17, 2024

The Brutal Honesty about Normal

The problem isn't that we been told lies; it's that we end up living them. The strategy is to recognize and resist the three enemies that sabotage your peace. The world, the flesh, and the devil are at war with our soul. The devil's primary tactic is to drive the soul and society into ruin is deceptive ideas that play to disordered desires which are normalized in a sinful society.

Locations & Times

First Baptist Church Seminole Tx

202 SW Ave B, Seminole, TX 79360, USA

Sunday 5:00 AM

The World's Empty Promises

The World's Empty Promises

Read Plan

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In his book, Reinventing Liberal Christianity, Theo Hobson traces the collapse of Western civilization through three steps:

(1) What was universally condemned is now celebrated;

(2) What was universally celebrated is now condemned;

(3) Those who refuse to celebrate are condemned.

In other words, we are “behind enemy lines” in the sense that the Christian faith is no longer the favored worldview in the public square. How are we now to live? Just as Daniel did when he found himself in a foreign land — with integrity and conviction.

Citizens and Exiles from Jon Tyson's framework

From a Majority to a Minority

From the Center to the Fringe

From Well Respected to Disrespected

John Mark Comer
Live No Lies

In summary, I would define the world as a system of ideas, values, morals, practices, and social norms that are integrated into the mainstream and eventually institutionalized in a culture corrupted by the twin sins of rebellion against God and the redefinition of good and evil.


Nothing is more friendly than friendly captivity. Captivity never remains friendly.

How the world seduces us:
1. Isolation Daniel 1:4
2. Inculturation Daniel 1:5
3. Integration Daniel 1:5
4. Identification Daniel 1:6
1. Isolation
2. Inculturation
III.Integration (Isolation, Inculturation)

IV. Identification (Isolation, Inculturation, Integration)
Indecisiveness can be idolatrous.

Small, incremental decisions that have a massive effect on our long-term life.

Discussion Questions

1. How would you define living in exile? (Refresher OT Daniel and the 3 teens in Babylon, NT 1 Peter 2:11-12)

2. How do the tectonic shifts reflected in Babylon and our culture make us uneasy?
What was universally condemned is now celebrated.
What was universally celebrated is now condemned.
Those who refuse to celebrate are condemned

3. What stance towards culture does John 17:14-18 articulate?

4. How do you fight apathy or lukewarmness as Romans 12:11 commands? How does the soft power of the world seduce us towards a maintenance mode?

5. Do you believe as Pastor Joe said that identity is the battle of our age? Why or why not?

6. What builds biblical resolve as mentioned in Daniel 1:8? What dilutes our resolve?

7. How do you personally fight compromise?

8. How does identity cure insecurity?

What claim from the sermon most challenged you?

What claim most comforted you?