Raise Them Up

Raise Them Up
Raise Them Up! Raise your hand if you think parenting is hard? If you have kids or are even thinking about having them, you won’t want to miss this four-week series that explores what God’s Word has to say about all things parental. Whether they’re bawling, crawling, walking, talking, driving you crazy or asking to drive your car, kids are a gift from God - and He provides some very clear guidance and insight on how to raise them to be full of faith and focused on Him, rather than leaving you frustrated, frazzled and fatigued.
Locations & Times
First Baptist Church Seminole Tx
202 SW Ave B, Seminole, TX 79360, USA
Sunday 5:00 AM
Imperfect Parenting
Read Plan
Stay connected:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/FirstSeminole
Twitter: @Seminolefbc
Instagram: @fbcseminolekids
We meet Sundays:
9:00 am Worship
10:30 am Worship
Connect Groups throughout the week.
Generosity Through Giving

Two crises: digital underparenting and physical (real-world) overparenting

The primary goal isn’t protection it’s preparation to be a resilient adult.
The family is the primary vehicle for godly transference of faith from one generation to another.
1. We Risk too Little
2. We Rescue too Quickly
3. We Model too Weakly
4. We Forget so Easily

Who and what you expose your children to will shape who they become and what they believe.
B. Expose your kids to experiencing God corporately.
C. Expose your kids to serving God consistently.

Sunday morning church is a Saturday decision.

2. Remember you've been delivered.
1) Tell us about someone who positively impacted your life as a kid. Why were they so influential?
2) Pastor Joe said: We can’t force our children to love God, but we can expose them to the people and experiences that increase the likelihood of spiritual growth. How have you seen this truth play out in your own life?
3) Pastor Joe said: We need to worry less about today’s happiness and more about tomorrow’s readiness. In what ways can this wisdom apply to parenting and more?
4) Which of the four ways that we miss passing the baton of faith is the most challenging for you personally? Risk too Little, Rescue too Quickly, Model too Weakly, Forget so Easily.
5) Where are you prone to forget what God has done for you?
6) Do you agree with the law of exposure that who and what you expose your kids to will influence what they believe and how they behave? Which of the 3 do you need to double down on?
A. Expose your kids to knowing Jesus personally.
B. Expose your kids to experiencing God corporately.
C.Expose your kids to serving God consistently.