Heaven on Earth: Because
Heaven on Earth: Because
How is God going to make it all right? How is he going to redeem all the suffering and loss of this world . . . and in your own life? We need more than a silver-lining outlook on life. Much, much more. We need an unbreakable, unquenchable hope. Jesus is the only hope strong enough to overcome the heartache of this world. The birth of Jesus is when heaven kisses earth. Christmas changes everything!
Locations & Times
First Baptist Church Seminole Tx
202 SW Ave B, Seminole, TX 79360, USA
Sunday 5:00 AM
Advent Devotional
Read Plan
Stay connected:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/FirstSeminole
Twitter: @Seminolefbc
Instagram: @fbcseminolekids
We meet Sundays:
9:00 am Worship
10:30 am Worship
Connect Groups throughout the week.
Generosity Through Giving
(1) God surprises in the How
(2) God surprises in the Where
(3) God surprises in the Who
The gospel isn’t primarily good advice to emulate, but a person to
“We never have followed the advice of the great teachers. Why are we likely to begin now? Why are we more likely to follow Christ than any of the others? Because He is the best moral teacher? But that makes it even less likely that we shall follow Him. If we cannot take the elementary lessons, is it likely we are going to take the most advanced ones? If Christianity only means one more bit of good advice, then Christianity is of no importance. There has been no lack of good advice for the last four thousand years. A bit more will make no difference." (156)
The surprises of your life aren't absent from His presence.
1. How does a genealogy demonstrate insights that are essential to Christianity?
2. Do you think there's any significance in 3 sets of 14 names?
3. What does the historical nature of Christianity tell you about the mission of Jesus? How does this make the gospel good news instead of good advice?
4. React to this statement: God taxes the whole world to move two people 90 miles. How should this encourage you?
5. Can you look back and see where God was the unseen author writing your story? How did Jesus demonstrate that in the surprises of your life you weren't absent from His presence?
6. Read Deuteronomy 7:6-7. Why did God choose Israel? You?
7. How do the names included in the lines of a genealogy that leads to Jesus mean you can be included in the line that leads from Jesus?
8. Explain how that in between the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and the Great Multitude (Revelation 7:9) is the Great Pursuit (Acts 1:8).
What claim from the sermon most challenged you?
What claim most comforted you?